Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Summer of no love lost

Its been a torrid summer for ITV regional news employees. A massive response to our postcard and email campaign targeted at Ofcom has been great but to date Ofcom does not appear to be listening. A leak earlier this month, published by the Guardian, suggested the regulator was paying closer attention to bosses at ITV than those who actually watch and appreciate their news programmes around the country. MPs are conveniently still away on their summer break so its largly gone quiet on the PSB Review front - let's hope they can get mobilised again come the Autumn. Meanwhile staff are facing the prospect of ITV pushing ahead with its proposals regardless of Ofcom's verdict. Re-jigged plans released on the back of the leak still save the same amount of money - £35-40 million - from the local and regional news budgets. Viewers and staff are still asking how quality can be maintained at such a cut price rate...